Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Been preoccupied lately with the big questions, and trying to cobble together some kind of income and figure out how I'm supposed to start paying for student loans that are coming due much faster than I can deal with them coming due.

Enough worry that the previous rush of creativity on New Novel has slowed to almost nothing. A weekend of frivolity and unworrying helped. Last night I realized I should've been asking my characters the very question that's been keeping my undies in a bunch: What happens next?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Favorite purple

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Painted lady: Anita, Iowa

Not a completely purple house but loved the purple layers. Stopped at this small town on my way home from Denver and had a slice of raisin cream pie at the cafe where the screen door sticks and picked up a copy of the Anita Tribune in which the spaghetti dinner is front page news. My favorite item was in the lost-and-found section:

"LOST: Men's reading glasses, Fri., March 26 in the afternoon, around 3 miles east of Lincoln Center on G-35. If found, please call (x)."

I picture a frustrated spouse winging the glasses out the car window. And probably for the cost of the ad the guy could run down to Walgreens and get himself a new pair...?